When Do Customers Write Reviews?

Recent ReviewInc studies have shown how critical feedback and reviews are to a business’s revenue and growth.  Useful feedback and reviews are critically valuable, however, gathering reviews presents challenges.  A new study shows just how difficult it can be to obtain feedback and reviews, as well as the best way to get them.

This year, 2,002 U.S. Consumers (53.9% Male and 46.1% Female) were asked when they are most likely to give feedback to a business.

While 32.9% indicated they would never give feedback, over two thirds of respondents would give reviews, that’s the good news.  The bad news is that you most likely have to ask.  43.3% of all respondents would give feedback, but only when it was requested.

The type of request can also have an impact on the response.  41.11% would respond to a direct in-person request compared to 31.4% who would respond to some type of electronic request.  Incentives for feedback are also effective with 27.48% responding they would give feedback if there was a small incentive (Note: incentives for private feedback awarded equally, regardless of the rating or content, are legitimate, however incentives for writing reviews on public facing review sites would require a disclosure statement per FTC guidelines).
Most businesses find it difficult to engage every customer in a consistent process and get them to give feedback. Utilizing the services a feedback and review system, such as ReviewInc, is the best way to automate and measure feedback.

Interested in a free consultation on how to improve your online reviews and overall reputation management? Give us a call at 877-973-8439, leave us your contact information or email us at [email protected] to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.